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    How to delete a system or a gateway?

    From the Monitor Section

    You can delete an existing system from the main grid in the Systems (Monitor activity) section, by selecting Delete from the action items.

    From the Inventory Section

    You can also delete an existing system or gateway anytime from the Systems (Inventory activity) section.

    To delete a system or a gateway

    • Click on Inventory > Systems or Gateways
    • Select a system or a gateway then click on Delete in the action bar or directly in the Actions column.
    • Confirm deletion of the system or gateway and, if you delete a system, deletion of the associated gateway:

    Gateways assigned to systems cannot be deleted. You must delete the system and associated gateway.

    To delete multiple systems

    1. Click on Inventory > Systems or Gateways
    2. Select all systems or gateways to be deleted then click on Delete in the action bar. If more than 100 systems are selected, the following dialog box appears:
    3. Enter a label.
    4. Click on Delete. Systems are labelled then deleted based on this label. You can then choose to delete this label from the Label Section.
