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    How to create a new alert rule?

    Alert rules are configured from the Alert Rules section. For more information, see What is an Alert Rule?

    Configure Rules

    Alert rules are defined from the Configure activity, in the Alert rules section.

    Here, we can see all the alert rules created for the company’s sytems, and their status. We can activate, deactivate or edit the rules here.

    Display this screen, then click on the + (plus) button to add a new alert rule.

    To create a new alert rule

    An alert rule is simply composed of a set of up to 10 conditions. The alert will be raised if all conditions are satisfied.

    Some alert rules templates are proposed to you as examples with pre-filled conditions to create your own alert rule by changing values or adding more conditions. The custom template is a template without any pre-filled conditions.

    1. Select a template. A template is an alert rule example with pre-filled conditions based on selected template.
    2. Optionally change some values of the pre-filled condition and add more conditions to your alert rule.
    3. Set the alert name and description. The name will be used to show the alert everywhere in AirVantage.
    4. Add one or several actions (see actions ):
      • Send an email - emails of your company users automatically appear when clicking in the To field. An email preview is automatically generated based on the alert name, description. The email sent by AirVantage will also include a link to your system monitoring details page.
      • Call a callback URL - one or more URLs that will be called via webhooks each time the alert is raised.
      • Send Command - select the application in your system which run the command and then select the command.
      • Apply Settings - select the template to apply on your system. Have a look to the template section.
      • Apply label - the label will be added when the alert is raised and remove when the alert disapears.
    5. Click Save.

    When creating an alert based on one or more Application Data items sent by a router, you must first create a dataset containing the desired items.

    For example, if you start with the Data sent to AirVantage template, you must:

    1. Under the If heading, click Select a Data (see right).
    2. In the Search a Data box, click Application Data.
    3. In Application, select the desired AirLink OS firmware.
    4. In Dataset, select the dataset.
    5. Select the datapoint on which you wish to base the Alert.
    6. Select the datapoint’s format (Number or Text string).
    7. Click Select.
    8. Enter the conditions under which the alert will be sent.
    9. Continue configuring the alert rule according to the instructions in the section above, and then click Save.


    For instance, you want to be notified when a specific system identified with a label in the group stops communicating.

    Conditions Configuration

    • Select the template Communication status changes. The first condition is pre-filled with values “is” and “error”.
    • Then, create a second condition to specify the systems you want to test the first condition on.
    • Select System has label, as shown on the right, and select the desired label from the drop-down menu.

    If you don’t add an additional condition on the system, the alert rule will apply to all systems in the company.

    Action Configuration

    • Select the Email notification and fill the fields.

    The next time one of the systems you selected meet the condition, you’ll receive an email alert.

    The alert Name will appear in the email’s subject. In the email’s content, you’ll see other information including the “system name”, the “company name”, alert “description”, and “a link to the system details page”.

    Click the link supplied in the email to start diagnosing the issue.

    Jump to…

    …the Configure activity of AirVantage by clicking here .
